The Restoration of the Colosseum


The Restoration of the Colosseum

A complex restoration project supported by the Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici (Special Authority for Archaeological Assets) and sponsored by Diego Della Valle’s “Tod’s” Group is due to start soon.

For the first time an important Industrial Group will support a challenging restoration project for one of Italy’s artistic and archaeological assets and will hopefully open the way for new private initiatives to safeguard our artistic heritage.

The project provides for the restoration of the north and south sides, the erection of iron gates to close off the perimeter arcades, full restoration of the underground areas (hypogeum), with the intention of restoring one of the eighty hoists, and the construction of a service centre to host all tourist related activities.

According to the Sopraintendenza dei Beni Culturali, the restoration will include:
1. the replacement of the current system for closing the perimeter arches (fornici) with gates
2. restoration of the north and south sides
3. restoration of the arcades
4. restoration of the underground areas (hypogeum)
5. implementation and adaptation of plant and systems to meet current standards
6. construction of a service centre which will allow the visitor support activities currently carried out inside the monument (reception, ticket office, bookshop, toilets) to be taken outside.
All the work indicated has to be carefully scheduled due to the need to keep the monument open to the public with no interruption in service.
The Colosseum in fact attracts about 5 million visitors a year.

... a new Restyling for the Colosseum because, as Bede wrote in the 7th century “ “While the Colosseum stands, Rome shall stand; when the Colosseum falls, Rome shall fall; when Rome falls, so falls the world.”

Restauro Colosseum



Galleria degli Uffizi
